Melina Peña
Interdisciplinary/Action Artist
UKI a Project by Shu Lea Cheang. A viral performance – live cinema, live code. Cinematographic episodes for live performance events, using adavance technology within a computer/virus context.
UKI is a sequel to I.K.U in development. UKI designates its female protagonist as Uki, the virus. Recall the love bug virus that crippled thousands of computer systems in 2000, UKI declares This is LOVE, This is not SEX.

UKI, the virus as living organism, self replicable, manifests herself in multiple construct (avatars), spams and spanks her love into the occupied territories. To reconnect with her own orgasm data, Uki unleashes her virus self during the one hour live set thatculminates in female/computer ejaculation of grand style.

UKI tripcall, which had her own squatted quarter on the E-trashscape. A human wanna be, UKI tripcall collects keyboards, smashes them and learns how to spell with all the letters. She is comfortable in her own quarter with vacuum cleaner and toaster… At times, she bursts into border hack machismo, tries to get coder’s attention to give her some codes. RUNNER Axia usually comes by to tease UKI tripcall, sucking out her bad codes.
Photos by Joan Tomas