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  • Writer's pictureMelina Peña


This year FEM_20 was dedicated to our dear friend Lesley Yendell who died on October 5th 2020. We will miss her at FEM this year and to Sally Madge, an artist friend from Newcastle who died from COVID in the same month.

FEM_20 was held from the 28th & 29th December 2020, adapting to the current COVID19 situation by adopting an online format. We met virtually on Zoom, in order to make a series of Performance Duets. These duets form part of our ongoing group research into inter-connectedness and group experiments on synchronicity.

The artists who took part were: Rotnip (CL/CAT), Mireia Zantop (CAT), Juliette Murphy, (GB/CAT), Helen Collard (GB), Denys Blacker (UK/CAT), Marta Vergonyós (CAT), Sandra Johnston (NIR), Fernanda de Oliveira Gomes (BR), Martine Viale /CAN/FR), Marina Barsy Janer (PR/CAT), Anet van de Elzen (NL), Marilyn Arsem (EE.UU), Bernadette Hopkins (NIR), Barbara Le Beguec Friedman (FR), Yaryna Shumska (UR), Ester Xargay (CAT), Natàlia Espinet (CAT), Melina Peña (MEX/CAT), Deej Fabyc (AU/GB), Marina Tsatsara (GB), Ana Maeso (ES), Paloma Orts Pascual (CAT), Nieves Correa (ES), Toni Crabb (ZI/CAT), Marita Bullmann (DE), Selina Bonelli (GB), Analía Beltrán Janés (ES), Helena Hunter (GB), Pa’ma Torrents (CAT), Holly Slingsby (GB), Isabel León (ES), Isabel Fontbona (CAT), Anna Subirana (CAT), Michelle Wilson (GB/CAT), Nathalia Mello (BR), Laurel Jay Carpenter (EE.UU), Ieke Trinks (NL), Siobhan Mullen (NIR), Ayako Zushi (JP/CAT), Mar Serinyà (CAT), Anita Ponton (GB), Christine Haase & Tara (DE), Laurence Beaudoin Morin (CAN) & Mar Ximenis (CAT). With eulogies from Lucho Hermosilla, Zoe Marshall, Helen Collard and Sandra Johnston.

FORMAT 1. Each participant prepares a performance of max 5 minutes with no contact between the artists – each in her own country 2. We meet on Zoom 3. We randomly choose pairs of artists. 4. They perform their actions simultaneously. 5. On the screen we only see the two artists. 6. We look for synchronicities 7. Repeated until finishing all the participants Unfortunately on the first evening of performance the videos were not recorded and so we only have some screen shots. On the second evening there are videos of the duets.

Link to all performances:

Here I share Performance 'Duet 7' performed by Marina Tsartsara and Melina Peña

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