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In Residence with Nuno Veiga (PT/UK)


@ OBRAS Foundation, Evoramonte Portugal



Aiando is a multidisciplinary project: performance, visual and sound installations, that takes the visitor through a sensory experience, inspired by the landscape of the region of Alentejo.


The creation process took us through several interventions in the facilities and surroundings of OBRAS culminating in a final showing in Evoramonte Castle



Pieza Domestica

A journey through a fictional story of a residence artist at  OBRAS. 

Body Cartography

AIANDO Sensorial Experience

Evoramonte Castle


Visual & Sound installations.

¨Two floors in this 1160AD stone castle provide two stages in this installation and performance. On the primary floor the viewer encounters the “waiting room” before being escorted to the single person performance experience on the upper floor. In

this first stage four different silent videos with their projection devices illuminate this wondrous space. A separate soundscape

permeates the atmosphere lending a sense of concrete and abstract sounds to the already magical sound of the ever -present wind flowing through the stone cool castle.¨ (Testimony)                                                                    



Sensorial Individual Experience.




¨A experiência que pude viver graças a todos vós foi cativante e pensando no todo antes de pensar nas partes, muito envolvente, muito carinhosa.

A ideia de fazer assentar a experiência na privação sensorial parcial, ocultando a visão, mergulhando o viajante no escuro, é muito fecunda. O olhar, sentido analítico por excelência, é muitas vezes um obstáculo à vivência dos dados dos outros sentidos, do tacto, claro, mas sobretudo daqueles sentidos que, sendo involuntários (não posso fechar de modo permanente o nariz), nem os ouvidos,, mas posso fechar os olhos, ficam muitas vezes num nível de consciência muito baixo¨


¨Arriba Yo estaba encantado con la manera delicada, simple pero refinado, 

que me transporta a otro mundo, el sueño. Conseguido en un 

forma singular, y en pocos minutos, vislumbro a través del ojo de la cerradura, 

qué es la memoria, mis miedos infantiles, seguridad materna, los placeres, 

descubrimiento, como Borges lo llamaría "... el paraíso perdido ...". ¨


¨Now entrenched in sound, a wood door opens, the feeling of wind rushes upon you

and like a musical instrument architecture and wind are a resonating chamber, and

if this is not enough to grasp your spirit, your hand is taken and you are guided

inside. Not just sound but the force of the wind increases as you step into the

chamber that you cannot see yet feel into imagination.¨


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